Sen Sok International University Hospital is looking for a qualified candidates – specialists Obstetrician-Gynecologysts (ObGy)
We have 2 positions for local ObGy specialists
Schedule: 1. Full-time + possibility to work extra-time,
2. Part-time (7.00-12.00 or 14.00-20.00) + possibility to work extra-time
Salary: Up to working experience, professional skills and working time
Bachelor’s Degree in GP – Certificate
Specialisation in ObGy area (internship or residence) – Certificate
Experience at least 2 years in ObGy area (OPD and IPD, prenatal care, medical care during delivery, episiorrhaphy, cesarean sections, abortions etc.)
Khmer national, good or excellent working knowledge of Khmer and English.
Closing Date: 30-August-2018
Kindly contact:
Dr. Turobova Tatiana, MD,
vice_director@sensokiuh.com, ttatvl1973@mail.ru
Ms. Khan Chanda (phone: 017 575 593)