Team of Oncology department of Sen Sok IU hospital provides detailed diagnosis, treatment and post-treatment follow-up for patients with Head and Neck benign and malignant tumours.
Primary a patient has to be consulted with 2 specialists:
- ENT-specialist (Ear, Nose and Throat specialist), Head and Neck surgeon, Dr. Matela Ivan, MD, PhD
During primary examination Dr. Ivan will perform ENT-endoscopy (examinations of nose, throat and ears with endoscopic equipment), in some cases during primary ENT-endoscopy he performs biopsy under local anesthesia (to get a small piece of a mass for histology examination to know – is it benign or malignant).
- Medical oncologist, Dr. Turobova Tatiana, MD, MBA
Dr. Tatiana will ask the patient about history of the disease, medical and family history, will preform detailed physical examination.
After these consultations Dr. Ivan and Dr. Tatiana will make a plan of additional examinations and treatment.
Additional examinations can include:
- Laboratory tests, including tumour markers,
- Ultrasonography of the mass area,
- CT-scanning with contrast injection,
- Excision biopsy of big mass, those has suspicion for cancer (under local or under general anesthesia). Excision biopsy for some tumours can perform using endoscopic equipment.
Treatment of benign tumours
Surgery is the main treatment for benign tumours (removal tumours). After surgery doctors send all masses to histology examination.
Dr. Matela Ivan can perform different surgeries for Head and neck tumours, including endoscopic removal of masses.
After surgeries Dr. Ivan will invite patients for post-treatment follow-up.
Treatment of malignant Head and Neck tumours (cancer)
There are 3 kinds of cancer treatment:
- Surgery treatment (Dr. Matela Ivan, Dr. You Vath, Dr. Turobova Tatiana) – radical removal of the mass. After surgery doctors send all masses to histology examination.
2. Systemic therapy: chemotherapy, molecular targeted therapy, immune therapy, hormonal therapy (Dr. Turobova Tatiana),
3. Radiation therapy
For this treatment Oncology team transfer patients to National Cancer Center, Khmer-Soviet hospital or abroad.
Some cancer patients with Head and Neck tumours need only radical surgery treatment, some – surgery and systemic treatment, some – surgery and radiation.
In the cases of big masses primary need to use systemic treatment to reduce tumour size and only after that surgery treatment will be possible.
All patients with malignant tumours during long time have to visit doctors of Oncology department regularly for post-treatment follow-up.