The Sen Sok IU Hospital participated in the KFC carnival arranged near River side in the night market-which is usually a hub of the foreigners visiting Cambodia along with the local residents.
The Carnival was focused on child activities although; there was a lot for the adults to enjoy. The carnival started on 04:00 pm and continued with out any disturbance till late night. The SSIUH displayed a stall to help the patient in public health messages and some patients were also treated on the occasion.
A lot of visitors show their interest in the stall of SSIUH and enquired about different health problems. Dr. Abida Rehman attended the carnival and examined near 40 children. The children visited the occasion have problems of diarrhea and chest infections. The stall also gives information’s about the International University and IU International School.
People took interest in the health material displayed at the occasion. (Cambodia Hospital Events.)