Cambodia is ranked 21st among the 22 High Burden Countries. The Goal of this Workshop was to bring TB Awareness among the Doctors and to provide the Best Human Resource to the Country.
A workshop was held in the Sen Sok IU Hospital. The workshop was inaugurated by supervised by H.E. Prof. Sabo Ojano MD PhD, President SSIUH and supervised by Prof. Chhin Senya Head of Medicine & Infectious Diseases. The following famous, well known experts of Cambodia on infectious disease conducted the training sessions to the students
1. Dr. Keo Sokonth, MD, Expert Infectious Diseases Technical Expert on Tuberculosis National TB Control Program, Cambodia
2. Dr. Sin Chhun Im, MD Expert Infectious Diseases, Ministry of Health Cambodia
3. Dr. Sohail Rashid, MBBS, Ex TB Coordinator GTZ
These skillful and devoted doctors spared their precious time to demonstrate and explain about tuberculosis.