Oncology deals with Cancer. Every year 4th February is celebrated as World Cancer Day. The aim of this celebration is to bring awareness among people about cancer. This year the topic selected for discussion was “Breast Cancer”.
A seminar was organized by Uon Sabo Oncology Center. The Chief Guest at the occasion was Prof. Tatiana Torobuva, Head of the Uon Sabo Oncology Center. She talked about the epidemiology, Burden and Awareness of the disease. She talked about the latest equipment in the Uon Sabo Oncology Center to diagnose the disease. Dr. Chan Sovandy was the narrator at the occasion.
A special promotion was offered by USOC for U/S breast and Mammography for only 35.00 USD. The Chief Guest thanked the Bayer Pharma for sponsoring the event and offered a sponsorship certificate. The Bayer Pharma also displayed a stall on that day.