Internation Medical Conference 4th on modern treatment and health care and 10-year anniversary of the establishment of the International University organized by the Faculty of pediatrics of the International University held up for 2 days, 26 and 27 April 2014 at the International University, with the participation of H.E Yet Sunara, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Health, Professor Sabo Ojano, rector of the International University, Mr. Tep Navuth, Rector International University, professor teachers, teachers and students, as well as the participants from 13 pharmaceutical companies both inside and outside the country.
Mr. Tep Navuth said that the 4th International Medical Conference on modern treatment and health care was done in order intended to allow teachers, students and doctors all have a clearer understanding about the progress of medical science and the understand of recent discovery of the world to make it easier for health care and treatment of patients.
In that event, H.E Yet Sunara said that on behalf of the Ministry of Health to expressed appreciation and celebration of the International University who had organized the International Medical Conference this up again and again. He said, adding that the IMC is very important for doctors to treat patients. Many countries in the world requires a physician who is treating both private and public hospitals, all have to be doctors complement to the training center and all physicians to treat patients properly and safely avoid leaving patients alone with no attention from the doctor, which makes it different from ethical doctor.
H.E Deputy Secretary of State hopes that International Medical Conference would make teachers, medical students and doctors all agree clearer know more about the treatment and care of patients and further explore the modern technology for treatment patients were presented by famous speakers from several countries who have contributed to make the treatment and Caring for our patients to be successful and effective.