Assoc. Prof. Sam Vuthy


Dr. Sam Vuthy

Assoc. Prof. Sam Vuthy, Phcist, PGD MT, Researcher
Head of Laboratory Services
Certified from Japan, Thai, Vietnam & Singapore

Dr. Sam Vuthy has 30 years of experience working with National and International level since year 1983 to 2013 as Medical laboratory, Medical Researcher, Epidemiology and Public health.

Education and Background

1. Certificate of Training of Trainer (TOT) in Biosafety in Singapore 2007.
2. Certificate of Laboratory Quality Management System Laboratory ISO 15189 BANGKOK Thailand Department of Medical Science, Ministry of Public Health 2006.
3. Certificate of Epidemiology and HIV/AIDS.
4. Certificate of Administration
5. Certificate of Strategy planning by VBNK
6. Certificate Apply Epidemiologist with Special Reference to Nutrition Jakarta Indonesia April 2005- May 3, 2005.
7. Certificate Training of Trainer (TOT) for good laboratory practice.
8. In- service training on accountability with Accountant Consultant from Italia (Movimondo Organization) 2000.
9. Apply Epidemiology with Participatory Action Research Public Health Researcher Convened by SEAMEO_ TROMED Network in collaborating with GTZ International Organization Free University of Berlin, German, and Thailand 1998- 2000.
10. Certificate of Senior Administrator and Leadership, Mahidol University, BANKOK Thailand 1999.
11. Certificate of National AIDS Program/UNOPS HIV/ AIDS Behavior Change Training Program (4 weeks) July to October 1996.
12. Diploma in Post graduated Laboratory Medical Technologist University of Philippines (UP) MANILA Philippines 1997-1998.
13. Certificate or Particle Rapid test, Ministry of Public Health Thailand, Dynamic Phamar Co., Ltd 1998.
14. Certificate in Hospital laboratory Public Health, College of Health Technology, Convened by SEMEO TROMED Network Cooperation with the Government of FRANCE, VIENTIAN Lao PDR 1997.
15. Certificate of training of Pharmacist in the Management Of drug purchasing, storage Distribution and dispensing, Phnom Penh Cambodia 1997.
16. Certificate of Study Design, Research Methodology Convinced by WHO in Cooperated with Ministry of Health Held at National of Public Health & Research Institute Phnom Penh – Cambodia 1995.
17. Certificate in Virological Diagnosis Infection, International Training Center (ITC), TOKYO Japan 1994.
18. Diploma in Pharmacy, University of Medical Science, Phnom Penh Cambodia 1987-1993.
19. Diploma of Medical Science in Nursing, Technical School of Medical Care, Phnom Penh Cambodia 1980-1983.

Recommendation/ Award as Researcher from

  • Reproductive and Child Health Alliance, USA.
  • Management Science For Health (MSH) USA.
  • Khon Kaen University Thailand .
  • National Institute of Health, University Sanfransisco of United State of America and University of New South Wales, Australia.
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