Dr. Sreng Chanda


Dr. Sreng Chanda

Anesthesia and ICU

Dr. Sreng Chanda has specialized in Anesthesia and ICU. He has worked for 28 years in Cambodia.

Clinical Experience

1986: Completed his MA from UHS in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

1992: Head of Reverrent Hospital Center, Krochma District, Kampong Cham City.

1998 – 2000: Studied Anesthesiology and ICU in Phnom Penh University and the information by Medicine CenFremriet (France) MFS 3 years.

2002: Worked at Reverrent Hospital Ratanakiri and Anesthesia ICU Dept, Cambodia.

2005: Worked at Preah Korsomak Hospital and Anesthesia ICU Dept.

2006: Continue studied MD International University Healthy of Siant (IUHS)

2010: Work at Anesthesia ICU Dept at Sen Sok International University Hospital.

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