Dr. Tep Samphas
Gynecology and Surgeon
2000: Diploma doctor of Medecine at Universal Scientist and Health at PhnomPenh
2005: Diploma of Doctor Specialist of Obstetrician –gynecology
2006: Attestation de Formation Spécialisée de gynecologie-obstétrique à Faculté de Limoge en France( surgery of gynecology)
2007: Diploma on Management of Opportunistic infection and Anti-retroviral therapy at NCHARD PhnomPenh
2008: Certificate of Urgent Obstetric Care at National Maternity Child Health Care Center
2010: Certificate of Abortion Care at PMI Hospital at PhnomPenh
2010: Certificate on practical of colposcopy at PMI Hospital, PhnomPenh
2011: Certificate on Management of labor and technical of Vaccum at PMI Hospital
2012: Diploma of Subspecialist of Gynecology oncology at Soonchungyang University Bucheon Hospital in South Korea
Work Experience
2001: Physician at Service Obstruct-gynecology at Svayrieng Reference
2003-2005: Practical at Hospital for training doctor specialist obstetric-gynecology
2007: Gynecologist, Surgeon gynecology at PMI Hospital Phnom Penh
2007-2012: Work part time at Dusit Clinic
2010-2012: Work part time at Rhac Clinic
2012-Present: obstric-gynecology at Sensok International University Hospital